The Inner Voice
Waves Of Relaxation - A Guided Meditation by Anna Antanies
Meditation Recordings
Inspired and encouraged by my clients and the people around me who wanted to incorporate meditation into their daily lives, I created “Waves of Relaxation”. This 30 minute guided meditation is intended to bring ease to every part of you and deliver you to your bliss. The music alone, composed, performed, and recorded by the great Jon Amodeo, is sure to soothe your soul. Have a listen, and feel more deeply rooted and safe in your body, clear in your mind, centered in your heart, and connected to the power that awaits within each of us. “Waves of Relaxation” is available for purchase on CD in various in-store and online locations, and for digital download through Amazon.com and iTunes.
New Guided Meditations coming soon!
​Click HERE to purchase CD/Download
"I am an Energy Therapist dealing with patients who are battling everything from mental/emotional issues: ADD, ADHD and Bipolar disorder to migraines, fibromyalgia, MS and cancer - and so many others in between . I provide this CD to each individual and every single one of them, every ONE, LOVES this CD. I have been told this is BY FAR, THE BEST CD for meditation. I loan out CD's all the time. Many different ones; but this one apparently evokes exactly what people need. It is in Ms. Antanies voice, the guidance that comes through to each patient. I cannot say enough good things about this CD. ALL of my patients speak very highly of this CD. They have listened to many different CD's that I provide but his one, beats them all by MILES. This speaks loudly! I urge you to try this meditation CD - it's not often that every person that listens to a CD agrees that it is truly outstanding. That says a lot!!!!"
"I am a board-certified music therapist, and in my work, I donate so much of my energy towards helping others find a state of homeostasis. However, I often forget to take time for self-care, and have found it difficult to truly relax and look within MYSELF. Thankfully, I discovered "Waves of Relaxation (Vol. 1)." Upon the first listening of Anna's CD, I found myself effortlessly sinking into a truly deep state of relaxation, and I am the type of person who has always found it challenging to be still. I believe I even fell into a sleep state towards
the end of it! That's how effective I have found this CD to be. With repeated use, the response has been consistent. Anna's pure and earnest delivery of guided meditation nurtures you to be present and find a
place within yourself of tranquility and serenity. Her voice is gentle and supportive, and you feel as if you
are in a safe, sacred space (internally and externally). The music that accompanies Anna, skillfully and intuitively composed by Jon Amodeo, is the perfect compliment to Anna's voice, and the two
create a synergy that is magical. I have given several of Anna's CD's to friends as gifts,
and they too found it to be very helpful in combatting stressful situations and the
wear and tear of the everyday grind. I highly recommend that you try this WONDERFUL CD!
You will not be disappointed! Get your copy TODAY!! : )"
"I have been using this meditation CD for a while. I had tried to meditate using many others in the past and
I like this one the best. I have a hard time quieting my mind and it takes me longer to get relaxed enough to meditate so, I appreciate that Ms. Antanies' meditation is a little longer than many of the others that I had tried previously. Ms. Antanies' voice has a calming effect and the background music is equally soothing.
It has been great for me to use after a long day to unwind and relax. I definitely recommend it for anyone
that is interested in meditation for any reason, but especially for anyone that wants to try meditation
but has a hard time quieting his/her mind."
"Waves of Relaxation (Volume One) is the perfect CD to quiet your mind so your body can relax. I am an elementary school teacher and after working with high-energy charged kids all day my mind is also in high gear when I get home, which can carry over to bedtime. Often, when I try to fall asleep at night, my mind decides to kick into high gear, sorting out the thoughts from my day in the classroom. As I toss and turn, unable to drift off to sleep, I begin to plan my next day in the classroom, a vicious cycle. I found my perfect solution in Anna's guided imagery. Her presentation of guided imagery and beautiful voice
combined with the inspiring background music makes Anna's CD the cure for me.
Every teacher should come home to Anna's CD!"